Watched season 1 so far and I thought the humor was actually pretty good and relatable for a more mature audience despite being a young kids show. Also the design is just immensely iconic.
Funny story related to this series:
One time had google images open on a projector while class was in session (This was an animation school and I was a teaching assistant.) I was trying to show the instructor the look of the show cause I thought he would like it and find it charming. I had stopped my scrolling for a solid real life minute or so. I have no idea how my eyes did not register it, but right there on the screen/projector, surrounded by some of the other images, was the squirrel polishing that bunnies knob on a comfy chair. Once I realized what it was, I scrolled down immediately. Nobody said anything. I have no idea if anyone even realized it was there, not to this day.
Hope you enjoyed that antidote.